Field of Prayers

Field of Prayers He said to the man, “If you build it, he will come.” So, he built it, and the man came. While all of this was going on, off camera, the owner of the cornfield was praying to God for rain so that he would have a crop for his family. However, the coach of the baseball…


The Tums Bum

The Tums Bum Last Monday, I saw a guy standing on a street corner holding a sign that read, Severe Heartburn. Need Tums. I watched him for a while and noticed how many people would roll down their window and hand him Tums. The next day, Tuesday, he was in the same spot. Same issue.…


Peru Profit

Peru Profit Joe and Pamela were a sweet old couple. They worked hard, saved religiously, and collected fine art. The first year after they retired, they traveled to Peru to purchase a piece of art. Upon landing, they saw a level of poverty they never knew existed. The following day, after boarding the plane, Pamela…


An old letter

An old letter Earlier this year, my grandma mailed me an old letter that she recently found while rummaging through old cigar boxes. The letter she sent was written by my great, great, grandma and it was addressed… to me! She wrote this letter to me before my grandma was even born. How incredible is…


City of hills

City of hills One night, a man traveled to the top of the highest hill in his city so that he could see all the other hills. When he arrived at the top, he was astonished to see a light on the top of every single hill. His eyes began to fill with tears at…


Delightful deception

Delightful deception One day a certain gentleman woke up and thought to himself, “I’m going to exchange my gift of peace for something better!” So, he went down to the local gifts store and said to the owner, “I’m curious, what can I get in exchange for my gift of peace?” The owner asked him, “How long…



paradise Long ago, lived two hungry hobos who spent most of their lives in the same remote spot. One day, while sitting together around sunset, one said to the other, “What would paradise be for you?” His friend replied, “paradise would be a place where we are never too hot and never too cold. A…


I can generate

I can generate! Long ago, an entire city was devastated by a plague of winds that knocked out everyone’s power. So, a man sent by the Lord drove into a small community with a truck full of generators. As he was pulling into town, he noticed an older man sitting outside in front of a…


Never once

Never once did anyone imagine it would happen to Andre since he lived an obscure life and was well-respected in town.He worked long days in the fields to provide for his family, and never once did he complain to God. Each night while the kids slept, Andre would passionately work on his art. Even though none of his…


The Barn

Years ago, a man was going away on business for a week. He told his worker, “While I’m gone, I’d like for you to paint the barn.” The following week when the man returned, he asked his worker, “While I was gone, did you paint the barn?” His worker replied, “I wrote down what you said. Then…
